Luke Slattery

Sr. Product Designer

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Research, Prototyping, User Testing, UX & UI Design

Redesign of the Wishlist & Purchasing Experience in the Audible iOS App. A project conducted in conjunction with RMIT University.

I had a hunch that users are frustrated by the buying experience in the Audible iOS app. I researched, prototyped, tested and designed a solution based on user insights and validated concepts.

Competitor and heuristic benchmarking highlighted inconsistencies and user experience issues with the app. User interviews confirmed the initial hunch and provided valuable insight in the behaviour and habits of the users while also giving context to the effects of the poor user experience in the app.

A finalised list of prioritised insights and recommendations fueled the first rounds of initial prototypes. The aim was to create a purchasing flow that is executable on a single device, within the audible app and that leverages the using of credits to make purchases for speed and ease. Also, explore the idea that the "wishlist" could act as natural entry point for the purchase flow when the user finishes an audiobook.

User tests with a click through prototype informed the final mid fidelity prototype and finished UI. The methods and processed used in the project and the resulting solution garnered much praise on final presentation for RMIT University